



Every summer young people go out and share the gospel across Alberta and Saskatchewan through the 5-Day Club ministry. Many of these Summer Missionaries are post-secondary and have chosen to give their summer to God to reach boys and girls for Jesus Christ. We have launched the Summer Missionary Support Program which will help them with their support-raising so they are able to return to school.

Through the Summer Missionary Support Program, you have an opportunity to help sponsor a Summer Missionary in a constituency of your choice. We have set a goal of $2,500 per Summer Missionary that we as an organization would like to raise to help with their own support raising requirements. Most constituencies will have two Summer Missionaries assigned there, making the goal $5,000 for that constituency. The cities will be high based on the number of Summer Missionaries teaching in them.

Choose the constituency of your choice and those funds will be dedicated to the Summer Missionaries in that constituency. If the funds exceed what is needed in that constituency then they will be used in a constituency needing more funds.